In the precious setting of the fifteenth-century Palazzo Fortuna you can organize and live your most important moments: conferences, banquets, parties, weddings. Each event will be colored with an elegant and exclusive atmosphere to become the center of your life.


In the palace cultural events are organized, in the scientific, literary and artistic fields: you can participate in a unique experience of harmonious synthesis between beauty and knowledge. The functional and refined furnishings at the same time, together with the vault enriched by a fresco from the end of the 17th century, will give your conference greater prestige.


Inside the building there is a particularly suggestive hall, marked by exposed beams in a setting that preserves the charm of the ancient enriched by exclusive furnishing and decoration elements, in order to enhance the beauty of every moment that you will spend in this magical place.

Here you can organize your intimate and exclusive parties; you will have the privilege of being able to make your invitation to the Palace.

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